Sunday, October 24, 2010


I must have the weirdest cats on the planet. One of them, Sage, tears around my house then collapses onto the ground. The other one, Gary, gos out for a couple hours, comes in, sleeps, then wants to go back out. Sage is, like, Gary's "little brother", and is a tag along to Gary. Does anyone have odder cats than mine?

Monday, May 17, 2010


All the magnificent spaceships at ROBLOX are original on this pretty good multiplayer game I found

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Love is at first site! Yesterday, there was a dance at school. My friend Samuel Binger was flirting with a girl in one of my classes, Sheridan Walund! I think that they love each other, because Samuel is always messing with her. So funny. Well, I can't believe that they have crushes on each other!:D Well, I got a laugh.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

First blog

Yo, sup. It's DarkLucario here. I have an account on Roblox. My dude is AwesomeLucario1. If you have an account, send me a friend request, or pm me!